The Experian credit score check gives you an idea of how lenders may view you. It reflects your credit history, which companies look at to help them decide if you’re a reliable borrower. You can check your score for free – the higher it is, the better your chances of borrowing money at the best rates. It’s based on your financial behaviour, so you have the power to change it.
Why Check Your Credit Score?
There are many reasons why checking your credit score today is a good idea, including:
- Helps you make better financial decisions
- Allows you to take control more easily
- Gives you an idea of where you stand
- Helps with peace of mind
- Gives you confidence
- Allows you to see your eligibility
Why Choose Experian?
Experian is the most trusted credit checker around. It uses your personal data, tailored to your individual circumstances, which means you won’t get similar results to anyone else. This ensures you can find the right deal for you alone.
Your best results are displayed at the top, with commission ignored.
What Next?
Knowing your financial situation can help you take the next big step in your life, such as planning to buy a house. It can give you an idea of the mortgage you can afford, plus how long it will take to save for a house deposit.
Alternatively, it can also make renting much easier. While renting with bad credit is possible, it’s easier if you have a good financial situation. You’ll have a greater choice of properties, as landlords are more likely to take you on.
How to Improve Your Credit Score
If your credit score isn’t as good as hoped, Experian can provide advice on the credit cards and personal loans you’re more likely to get. It’s important not to panic, there are ways to improve your score, such as:
- Keep credit card balance low
- Pay all bills on time
- Clear excessive debt
- Check credit report regularly
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